8세-13세 요리사 모여라! (8-9월 윌리엄 소노마)

레스톤, 페어팩스, 맥클린, 리스버그, 알링턴에 있는 윌리엄 소노마 매장에서 8-13세 아이들을 위한 특별한 요리 강습회가 개최됩니다. 선착순이며 조기 마감되니 빨리 신청하세요!



August 25, 2018

Junior Chef Pizza Party
It’s super easy and tons of fun to make pizza from scratch and add your favorite toppings. A portion of the proceeds from the class will be donated to No Kid Hungry!

September 1, 2018

Lunch Box Party
Learn how to pack your lunch box with some yummy foods! In this class, Williams-Sonoma will share some easy and creative recipes that go beyond the basic sandwich.

September 15, 2018

Cookie & Cupcake Decorating Party
What’s more fun than baking cookies and cupcakes? Decorating and eating them, of course!

Call or visit your local store for more details and to pre-register — hurry, spaces go quickly! Williams-Sonoma has many local stores, including Reston, Fairfax, McLean, Leesburg, and Arlington. Find yours here.



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Editor JP : jp@cheerupdad.com

아이디어뱅크 : info@cheerupdad.com